Happy New Year! We hope you all have a great time over the festive period. Perhaps new year resolution is not everybody's thing and indeed some of us might just have a new day resolution, or a less periodic, ad-hoc, event-driven resolution, so let's talk about the next resolution. Our next resolution is to co-learn. Towards the end of 2014, we kicked off Space Town Hall, our space exploration and technology focused citizen science platform, where we opens up an avenue for hands on space projects to be discussed, shared and synergies to be created (over beer and pizza - to keep the energy levels, of course). If you have a space project that you'd welcome citizens to join, then we are more than happy to help spread the word through open directory! Check out Space Town Hall's logbook (blog) to keep up to date with progress. But the co- of the co-learning comes from participation. So beyond having an avenue where all things space by citizens can be discussed, we piloted learning by doing with Ray from Tranquility Aerospace. The new learning initiative started with a module one on DIY Orientation Thrusters. What have we been up to? Well, we had lesson #1: Overview: And so this year, we want to kick the year off with follow ups to our trial learning initiative. We're working towards a lesson#2 and lesson#3 in January and February, respectively. We feel very strongly about the fact that space exploration needs all kinds of people and everyone has a skill and that can be shared, technical or not - as long as you have the appetite to learn and share. Since this is not a traditional lesson, you need not do every lesson or have a start at lesson#1. The just-in-time concept applying to learning means we built into our system means we will look into explaining things as our hands on experience requires it to and not try to pre-program too much. Plus, it;s co-learning, there's no problem in copying notes and asking the community - on-demand catch up! Learn like how you once used to - by doing, by sharing with your fellow playmates.
Co-learn for a shared journey to space. Our next town hall is planned to be on 10th February evening, most likely to be with our usual generous sponsors for venue, beer and pizza! PS: As usual, we are always on the lookout for speakers, sponsors, volunteers. Comments are closed.
December 2016