Average life expectancy at birth in 1955 was just 48 years; in 1995 it was 65 years; in 2025 it will reach 73 years. Contrast that with personal computers entering the market at 1977, first mobile phone on sale in US in 1983 and the smart phone we see around us today. With ever increasing life expectancy and decreasing technology life span, can we still rely on our front loaded education to serve us as we age? Together, let's explore our options.
Citizen Inventor is a community of makers without borders. At the same time, Citizen Inventor is an organisation with a mission to research and experiment with new approaches for empowering citizens to develop and (re-) invent our perspectives and relationships with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) - together with the community.
"Learning", as we know it, needs to be more multi-disciplinary, ad-hoc and relevant to fit the dynamic nature of modern lifestyle. With longer life expectancy, it is all the more important that we open up to experiment and re-contexualise ourselves with the changes in technology, regardless of starting points (backgrounds, qualifications...). Take a small step, start exploring and creating a future today. We do not work alone, we build on the open source, maker and citizen science movements to deliver and promote creative learning experiences on STEM topics, encouraging the flow of people, tools and conversations between the movements - looking to be part of a "Society Beyond Borders"*. Most importantly, we want to join up the makers, tinkerers, inventors who uses technology one way or another beyond borders. (* Theme of the TEDxEastEnd that Stephanie Pau, our founder, has delivered a talk on.) |
Exploration Never Stops.